Dear Trinity family,

Throughout the school year we have promised to keep you apprised of any updates involving the application from Verizon Wireless to place a new cell tower across the street from Trinity at the intersection of 27th and Butler Market Road.  This past week it was brought to my attention by a school family that it has been discovered that Verizon has now submitted three new applications to the City of Bend for this permission. 

The City of Bend Planning Department has also made preliminary responses to the application deficiencies for PZ-20-0179 (Type III Wireless Communication Facility) and PZ-20-0180 (Type III CUP (conditional use permit) for Monopine Cell Tower), including CommentID 364 consistent to both applications mentioned:

“You also mention in your burden of proof report, “All other properties within the search ring are zoned residential. These sites were rejected as they may be deemed more intrusive due to extreme proximity to dwellings, lower maximum height limits, inability to meet setbacks and/or the lots are too small to accommodate a facility.  All other properties within 2,000 feet of the proposed tower are zoned residential” Can you elaborate on your review process for other properties within the 2,000 feet zone. It seems that there are a couple large properties including the Parks and Recreation property and the Forest Service property within the area that are large acreage properties that might accommodate a facility and a less visual impact to surrounding residential and school properties. Please elaborate on your decision making process in choosing the subject property which is a very, highly visible location at the intersection of Collector and Arterial Streets and in close proximity to single family dwellings and a school/church facility.”

Additionally, this past week Verizon has also sent out direct texts to Verizon customers in the area with the following message:
Verizon Msg: Reply YES to this text to show your support for improved Verizon Wireless service in portions of northern and northeast Bend. Add a message to tell the City you support a 60-foot faux pine tree wireless facility at 2625 NE Butler Market Road. Include your email address for updates.

A Go Fund Me site has been established as well by our local community.

As shared previously, I have written both the City of Bend and the project principles to encourage them to find a place that would be further from schools, preschools, senior living centers, etc. (minimum 1500 ft) as other cities around the US are doing. If this is an issue that concerns you please contact the City of Bend regarding application file numbers PZ-20-0179, PZ-20-0180, and PZ-20-0181.

be God’s,
Gregg Pinick
Executive Director / Head of Schools
Cell: 714-728-5054

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